Mornings… they are tough. They are also not for everybody. It has been a little over a year since I was included in the category of haters. Late nights were once a time for me to indulge in all of my interests, but mostly a vacuum for sucking up any and all productiveness.
Continuously staying up late became an excuse to find the solitude that I craved from a busy day of interactions, caring for my children, and time spent away from evolving on a personal level. Night times were an easy escape from reality with immersing myself in a streamed television series. Time spent productively was almost nonexistent and the following days were met with sleep deprivation due to still needing to wake myself at a decent hour.
It was difficult at first to pull myself out of bed but I quickly found what drives me out of bed. Originally it was a cup of coffee that I knew I would drink with glee before my anticipated morning walk. The real motivation to rise at 5:00am became something truly unexpected for me. It was the sunrise. I began to crave seeing the light change ever so slightly and then all at once while walking. This single “thing” is what pulls me out of bed each morning. In the winter when it is nonstop twilight that I find myself walking amongst, I have turned to yoga. It has always been something I enjoy so not quite the sunrise but the habit of waking early is still engrained in me.
Fast forward to today and my nights are filled with preparations for the best morning routine and rituals. Around 7:30, before my sons’ bedtime routine starts, my skincare is completed and my breakfast is thought out. The children sleep and my tea lights are in place, incense ready to go, and my journal/planner waiting for me in my morning spot.
A sacred space in the home is not what I would call it but a space just for me nonetheless. First thing in the morning, I come downstairs, pour myself a glass of water, and sit in my space. My space is large enough for a yoga mat, all of my favorite plants, and the right lighting to make is feel ambient.
While drinking my water, I write down my top 3 items for the day that need to be accomplished. I draw in my doodle journal, write in a journal, and take some deep breaths. I spend an hour practicing yoga and if I have enough time, go for a short walk. I am then able to happily and without stress, make breakfast for me and my family and continue on with my day knowing I have taken some time for myself and moved my body. There is nothing like the quietness in the morning while most of the world is sleeping. I encourage you to find something that pulls you out of bed. It may take some trial and error but anybody can find something.